Unique3D: High-Quality and Efficient 3D Mesh Generation from a Single Image

Kailu Wu1, Fangfu Liu1, Zhihan Cai1, Runjie Yan1, Hanyang Wang1, Yating Hu2, Yueqi Duan1, Kaisheng Ma1,
1Tsinghua University, 2AIUNI AI
Unique3D can generate a high-fidelity textured mesh from a single orthogonal RGB image of any object in under 30 seconds. The generated meshes closely mirror the original input image with high-quality texture and geometric details. Unique3D can be trained with only 8 RTX4090 GPUs in 5 days.


In this work, we introduce Unique3D, a novel image-to-3D framework for efficiently generating high-quality 3D meshes from single-view images, featuring state-of-the-art generation fidelity and strong generalizability. Previous methods based on Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) can produce diversified 3D results by distilling 3D knowledge from large 2D diffusion model, but they usually suffer from long per-case optimization time with inconsistent issues. Recent works address the problem and generate better 3D results either by finetuning a multi-view diffusion model or training a fast feed-forward model. However, they still lack intricate textures and complex geometries due to inconsistency and limited generated resolution. To simultaneously achieve high fidelity, consistency, and efficiency in single image-to-3D, we propose a novel framework Unique3D that includes a multi-view diffusion model with a corresponding normal diffusion model to generate multi-view images with their normal maps, a multi-level upscale process to progressively improve the resolution of generated orthographic multi-views, as well as an instant and consistent mesh reconstruction algorithm called ISOMER, which fully integrates the color and geometric priors into mesh results. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our Unique3D significantly outperforms other image-to-3D baselines in terms of geometric and textural details.


Pipeline of our Unique3D. Given a single wild image as input, we first generate four orthographic multi-view images from a multi-view diffusion model. Then, we progressively improve the resolution of generated multi-views through a multi-level upscale process. Given generated color images, we train a normal diffusion model to generate normal maps corresponding to multi-view images and utilize a similar strategy to lift it to high-resolution space. Finally, we reconstruct high-quality 3D meshes from high-resolution color images and normal maps with our instant and consistent mesh reconstruction algorithm ISOMER, which is a robust multi-view reconstruction method directly deforming the mesh and can efficiently reconstruct mesh models with millions of faces.


Comparison. We compare our model with InstantMesh, CRM and OpenLRM. Our models generates accurate geometry and detailed texture.

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Interactable Meshes


